university health news

Can Allergies Make You Tired?

A flare up of allergy symptoms can happen any time of year. In fact, about two-thirds of people who have seasonal allergy, actually have allergy symptoms all year, although they may not be as obvious. Symptoms like cough and congestion may be caused by winter or indoor allergies like pets, … Read More

High Blood Pressure: One Heart Failure Risk Factor

Almost half of Americans have high blood pressure (HTN), and one in five adults don’t know they even have it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Taking medications as prescribed is a problem for many patients, and it’s estimated that nearly 30 percent of patients who have … Read More

COPD Rehabilitation: Dealing with a Serious Lung Disorder

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) rehabilitation is a series of education and structured exercises that allow people to make the most of the remaining capacity of their lungs. People with COPD who engage in a rehabilitation program have less shortness of breath, an increased ability to exercise, better quality of … Read More

COPD Oxygen Therapy

People with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may have very low levels of oxygen in their blood. This is called hypoxemia, and it may cause increased difficulty breathing and further impair your ability to exercise, requiring COPD oxygen therapy. Low COPD oxygen levels may also cause fatigue, memory loss, … Read More

What Keeps You Up at Night? 6 Ways to Beat Insomnia

You no doubt have found yourself tossing and turning at night, failing to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. If that sounds too familiar and happens too frequently, you may be suffering from insomnia. Any insomnia definition describes an inability to fall asleep. However, the condition—which effects an estimated 60 … Read More

Finding Depression Support Online

About half of depressed people do not receive the care they need. Barriers to receiving care include not believing your symptoms are severe enough to merit treatment, lack of hope that treatment will help, inability to identify or physically get to the centers where care is available, cost of treatment, … Read More

Sneak More Fruits and Veggies into Your Diet

A heart-healthy diet is generous in fruits and vegetables, but not enough people reap the benefits of produce consumption. Only 13 percent of people in the U.S. are eating enough fruit—1.5 to 2 cups daily—according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The news is worse for vegetables: Just … Read More

Rewire Your Brain For Better Pain Management

Sometimes, in chronic pain, the pain-signaling neurons become hyperexcited and continue to fire despite the absence of the cause of injury. For example, with the herpes-zoster infection (shingles), the rash disappears, leaving no evidence of the virus in the bloodstream, but the damaged nerves continue to fire, causing continuous debilitating … Read More

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