
Can Supplements Boost Your Immune System?

It would be great if there was an over-the-counter supplement that would boost your immune system enough to prevent a cold or the flu. Unfortunately, according to Harvard Medical School’s Harvard Health, there are no proven benefits to supplements for the immune system. In fact, the whole idea of boosting … Read More

Restaurant Guide: Choose the Healthiest Entrée Salads

Salads come in various shapes and sizes, from simple side salads to gigantic entrée salads and everything in between. The perception is that salads are automatically healthy. Think about it—they typically provide more vegetables than other common restaurant entrees that are primarily meat and grain or potato. And veggies are … Read More

Eating for Eyesight: Which Foods Protect Your Eyes?

Can what you eat affect your eyesight? And which foods protect your eyes? Research shows that three particular carotenoids, each of them antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, play a role in good vision: lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin. Studies verify that astaxanthin protects the eyes against damage and daily wear-and-tear[1], decreases eye … Read More

Minerals and Vitamins That May Help Acne

Acne is a bothersome problem most people have been familiar with at some point in their lives. Affecting adolescents and young adults the most, this skin disease can persist for years and can even lead to scarring if not treated. In severe cases, doctors prescribe both topical and oral antibiotics. … Read More

Preserve Nutrients in the Kitchen

Fresh is best, frozen is next. Fresh, ripe produce in season will usually be highest in nutrients—but you need to eat fruits and vegetables year-round, even in the middle of winter. Information from the U.S. Department of Agriculture indicates that freezing produce immediately after harvesting retains 95 to 100 percent of … Read More

Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan and Recipes

Following the Mediterranean diet meal plan can protect your health in a number of ways: reducing the risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, obesity, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, and more. But getting started on this program can seem overwhelming, especially if you’re used to a … Read More

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