breast cancer risk

Prostate Cancer: Causes and Risk Factors

The cause of prostate cancer is complex and not fully understood. We do know that the glandular tissue of the prostate is prone to genetic mutations that may be triggered by a variety of factors. In many men, the disease seems to be random, and the cause remains unknown. The … Read More

Managing Menopause Gracefully

Menopause can sound terrifying. Hot flashes, facial hair growth, and mood swings are certainly nothing any woman looks forward to—and those aren't even the truly dangerous effects. For starters, heart disease risk and osteoporosis risk skyrocket. It’s no wonder women were so eager to embrace hormone replacement therapy (HRT) when … Read More

3 Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes

Many women who have experienced menopausal symptoms will say that hot flashes are unpleasant, uncomfortable, and a major problem for them. Hot flashes can interfere with quality of life, sleep, and daily activities. With hot flashes affecting the majority of women of menopausal age, effective treatments are essential. One very … Read More

Soy and Soy Milk: Is it Really All Doom and Gloom?

The soybean is an annual legume within the pea family. It contains edible seeds that are a rich source of complete protein (complete protein contains all the essential amino acids our body requires for good health). In the United States, the majority of soybean crops are genetically modified for resistance against … Read More

Screening for Breast Cancer: The Latest Expert Advice

Confused about how often to get a mammogram? Some newly updated guidelines may help. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that women ages 50 to 74 undergo mammography screening every two years. The USPSTF notes that mammograms for women between the ages of 40 and 50 are effective, … Read More

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