skin cancer

Picking Scabs: Why We Do It and How to Stop

Ever enjoyed popping a pimple? How about poking a blister? It can feel gratifying to watch the grossness ooze out, right? Many people are guilty of picking scabs and some people even eat them afterwards. In fact, our desire to pick our scabs could say something important about our mental … Read More

What Is Prostate Cancer?

The vast majority of prostate cancers originate in the glandular cells of the prostate and are called adenocarcinomas. Prostate cancer is second only to skin cancer as the most common cancer seen in men in the United States. While most men do not die from prostate cancer, it is the … Read More

Skin Maintenance: Cleanse, Moisturize, Protect

Skin problems and skin care (or the lack of it) begin at day one and continue for a lifetime. At no point in time is a person immune to a skin condition that could be life-changing or even life-threatening. Evidence-based medicine tells us three things about skin and skin care. … Read More

Can You Die from Skin Cancer?

Can you die from skin cancer? If you don't know someone in your circle who's been diagnosed and treated from skin cancer, you may have a preconception that skin cancer is treatable 100 percent of the time. But each type of skin cancer carries its own survival risks. Melanoma is … Read More

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