cancer survival

Can You Die from Prostate Cancer?

Before widespread prostate cancer screening began in the late 1980s, many men newly diagnosed with the disease had advanced cancer that had spread beyond the prostate. Today, in the screening era, most men with the disease are diagnosed when their cancer is in an earlier, more curable stage. But, even … Read More

Tell Your Doctor About Breast Cancer Symptoms

Each year, some 230,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in American women, and about one in eight American women will develop invasive breast cancer at some point. Breast cancer represents the second-most common cancer in women after skin cancer, and it’s the second-leading cause of death in women … Read More

Benefits of Cruciferous Vegetables: Eat Your Brassicas!

Want vegetables packed with nutrients? Look no further than the brassica family. Cruciferous vegetables, which include things like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, bok choy, and even rutabaga, are some of the most nutrient-rich powerhouses you can feed your body. These delicious and nutritious veggies should hold a permanent, starring role on … Read More

What Is the Gleason Score?

Anyone who has been faced with the prospect of prostate cancer will encounter the phrase "Gleason score." And what is the Gleason score? Doctors use it to help them predict the risk of how aggressive a prostate cancer may be and how likely it is to spread beyond the prostate … Read More

Soy and Soy Milk: Is it Really All Doom and Gloom?

The soybean is an annual legume within the pea family. It contains edible seeds that are a rich source of complete protein (complete protein contains all the essential amino acids our body requires for good health). In the United States, the majority of soybean crops are genetically modified for resistance against … Read More

Prostate Cancer Survival Rates

Upon receiving the diagnosis of prostate cancer, men naturally want to know the most current prostate cancer survival rates. Every man’s prognosis or outlook for cancer depends on his overall health, his age, his Gleason score, his prostate cancer stage, the type of treatment he receives, and how his cancer … Read More

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