
Black-Eyed Peas, Please!

The Folklore. Serving up black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day is said to bring good luck all year long. Tradition calls for the slow-cooked comfort of a pot of Hoppin’ John, the Southern soul food dish of black-eyed peas, collard or mustard greens, and rice. But there are many more … Read More

Updates on a New Alopecia Treatment

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), alopecia areata is a disease of the immune system that attacks your hair follicles. Your immune system is your defense against foreign invaders like viruses or bacteria, but sometimes the immune system mistakes normal body tissues as foreign and attacks them. This … Read More

Is Walking Good Exercise?

According to the American Heart Association, when it comes to health benefits, walking is the simplest, safest, and cheapest way to get the most benefits from exercise. It is safer and easier than jogging, and studies show if your goal is health benefits, walking is as good as running without … Read More

How to Get Rid of Athlete’s Foot

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, athlete’s foot – or tinea pedis – is a common fungal infection that can affect anybody, not just athletes. It is also called foot ringworm, and the fungi that cause tinea pedis can cause ringworm on your body or jock itch. These fungi … Read More

How to Start Exercising Safely

The latest Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services came out in November 2021. The new guidelines add even more benefits from exercise, based on research done after the first guidelines came out in 2008. New benefits include reducing your risk for Alzheimer’s … Read More

Can Allergies Make You Tired?

A flare up of allergy symptoms can happen any time of year. In fact, about two-thirds of people who have seasonal allergy, actually have allergy symptoms all year, although they may not be as obvious. Symptoms like cough and congestion may be caused by winter or indoor allergies like pets, … Read More

Weight Fluctuation is Normal – These are the Common Causes

You've probably asked yourself, at least once, "Why does my weight fluctuate so much?" Weight fluctuation throughout the course of a day is normal. Weight fluctuation throughout the course of your life can be harmful. Sounds contradictory, doesn’t it? It’s not. A person should strive to maintain a lifelong, consistent … Read More

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