varicose veins

Is Walking Good Exercise?

According to the American Heart Association, when it comes to health benefits, walking is the simplest, safest, and cheapest way to get the most benefits from exercise. It is safer and easier than jogging, and studies show if your goal is health benefits, walking is as good as running without … Read More

What’s Causing My Tired Legs?

If you often experience tired legs when the rest of you is wide awake, it could be time to have your cardiovascular health checked and to evaluate your muscular fitness. Tired legs can actually be a symptom of several conditions, but typically the feeling is caused by decreased blood flow … Read More

Natural Diuretic: How to Reduce Fluid Retention Safely

A natural diuretic is an herb or plant used for their effect on the urinary tract and fluid balance. Diuretics are primarily used to eliminate excess fluid from body tissues, to flush the urinary tract in the treatment of urinary infections, and in detoxification of the body via increased excretion … Read More

Poor Circulation Is Nothing to Ignore

Do you feel like your hands or feet are on “pins and needles”? That’s one of the most commonly described symptoms of poor circulation. If you think you’re battling poor circulation, it’s wise to get a diagnosis; it could be a symptom of a much more serious disease—including peripheral artery … Read More

Sclerotherapy for Varicose Veins, Hemorrhoids, and More

If you have unsightly varicose veins, self-help strategies—such as weight loss, physical activity, not standing up for long periods of time, elevating your legs when sitting down, and wearing compression stockings—can sometimes mitigate their appearance. However, if these approaches don’t help, and if you're bothered by the appearance of your … Read More

13 Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Types & Symptoms

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, or EDS, is a group of 13 heritable (i.e., genetic) disorders that affect the body’s connective tissues. These tissues—found mostly in the skin, joints, and blood vessel walls—act like a glue to help provide strength and elasticity to the body’s structures, including the digestive system and essential organs. … Read More

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