
Look Beyond the Scale

When you embark on food and lifestyle changes with health in mind, what defines “success?” For many people, weight loss is the primary marker of change they focus on when they are trying to eat better and exercise consistently. But weight change is only one possible outcome of improvements to … Read More

Is Walking Good Exercise?

According to the American Heart Association, when it comes to health benefits, walking is the simplest, safest, and cheapest way to get the most benefits from exercise. It is safer and easier than jogging, and studies show if your goal is health benefits, walking is as good as running without … Read More

How to Start Exercising Safely

The latest Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services came out in November 2021. The new guidelines add even more benefits from exercise, based on research done after the first guidelines came out in 2008. New benefits include reducing your risk for Alzheimer’s … Read More

Weight Fluctuation is Normal – These are the Common Causes

You've probably asked yourself, at least once, "Why does my weight fluctuate so much?" Weight fluctuation throughout the course of a day is normal. Weight fluctuation throughout the course of your life can be harmful. Sounds contradictory, doesn’t it? It’s not. A person should strive to maintain a lifelong, consistent … Read More

Is a Low Heart Rate Dangerous?

A low heart rate may be a sign of an efficiently working heart. Or, if the rate becomes too low, it could be a sign of health complications down the road. A normal or healthy resting heart rate for an adult is between 60 and 100 beats a minute. A … Read More

What’s Causing My Tired Legs?

If you often experience tired legs when the rest of you is wide awake, it could be time to have your cardiovascular health checked and to evaluate your muscular fitness. Tired legs can actually be a symptom of several conditions, but typically the feeling is caused by decreased blood flow … Read More

How Much Exercise Is Too Much?

Participating in such formidable feats in the world’s fattest and most sedentary population is impressive. However, while getting super fit can make you into a human Ferrari, it is possible to worsen your health by over-training. Studies show over-training can deplete hormones, weaken your immune system, cause bone loss, increase … Read More

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