medical conditions

Pain After Chiropractor Adjustment

According to the National Institutes of Health National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), spinal adjustment or manipulation is usually done by a chiropractor. It is done by hand or by a device to place a sudden thrust on a joint of the spine, causing it to move more … Read More

Lockjaw vs. Locked Jaw: Common Causes of Jaw Pain

Medical dictionaries describe lockjaw as a tightness or spasm of the jaw muscles due to a bacterial infection from Clostridium tetani, commonly called tetanus. [1] Tetanus has become very rare in the United States with only about 30 reported cases per year. Almost everyone who gets tetanus today has not … Read More

Do Specific Foods Cause Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones can form when you have too much dissolved minerals and salts in your urine. [1] They can be tiny grains of stone that pass through your urine painlessly, but larger stones can get stuck, block the flow of urine, and be extremely painful. [2] About 50 percent of … Read More

High Blood Pressure: One Heart Failure Risk Factor

Almost half of Americans have high blood pressure (HTN), and one in five adults don’t know they even have it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Taking medications as prescribed is a problem for many patients, and it’s estimated that nearly 30 percent of patients who have … Read More

Erectile Dysfunction Causes and Cures

Erectile dysfunction causes can be attributed to many diseases and medical conditions known to cause ED. The first step treatment is ensuring that you are appropriately treating any underlying medical disease causing your ED. For example, if you have diabetes, managing your blood glucose levels is not only critical for … Read More

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