
Does Your Cookware Need an Overhaul?

Choosing foods that support optimal health is important, but so is the cookware we us to prepare it. There are many cookware options, and our kitchens are likely stocked with an assortment of materials of varying age and condition, from stainless steel and ceramic, to non-stick and glass. Some materials … Read More

Health Benefits of Pumpkin & Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkins mark the fall season with decorative flair on front porches and tabletops as well as in our favorite fall flavors—pumpkin spice has quite a following! It’s boosted pumpkin’s pizazz beyond pies and lattes to hummus, pasta, and even facial scrub. The most popular winter squash—pumpkin and pumpkin seeds—has a … Read More

Can Supplements Boost Your Immune System?

It would be great if there was an over-the-counter supplement that would boost your immune system enough to prevent a cold or the flu. Unfortunately, according to Harvard Medical School’s Harvard Health, there are no proven benefits to supplements for the immune system. In fact, the whole idea of boosting … Read More

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