weight control

The Healthiest Nuts to Add to Your Diet

Nuts have become more popular since nutrition experts have been recommending the consumption of healthy fats found in plant foods. Studies have linked nuts with an array of benefits, including lower risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some cancers. All tree nuts are good for you, including almonds, walnuts, pistachios, … Read More

The Healthiest Vegetables to Add to Your Diet

You will gain benefits from eating just about any type of vegetable; here’s more information on what are considered to be the healthiest vegetables. Asparagus Asparagus provides more folic acid per serving than any other vegetable, which is especially important for women who are pregnant because it can decrease the … Read More

Metabolic Syndrome Raises Your Risk of Heart Disease, Stroke

Your metabolism encompasses all the chemical processes through which cells produce energy and compounds (like hormones) needed to keep your body running. A cluster of metabolic risk factors raises your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. They may occur independently, but once you present with three, your doctor may … Read More

The Healthiest Fruits to Add to Your Diet

While all fruits are healthy choices, here is a selection of what is considered as the healthiest fruits. These sweet selections have the most documented health benefits in scientific studies. Apples One medium fresh apple has only 95 calories, yet it is rich in vitamin C and fiber, including a … Read More

Identifying Whole Grains

Most health experts agree that prioritizing whole grains is a key element of a healthy dietary pattern. Aim for at least three servings of whole grains each day. One serving of whole grains is equivalent to 16 grams (a little more than half an ounce). While it’s easy to see … Read More

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