
Stay Sharp: 4 Supplements That May Help Cognitive Health

Researchers have identified a number of herbal and nutritional supplements that can prevent or slow the progression of memory loss, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer’s disease. But four stand out as being especially effective. Because symptoms don’t manifest until  years or decades after they begin, these four supplements for cognitive … Read More

9 Powerful Antioxidant Supplements

“Antioxidant” is a word that gets thrown around so frequently that it can sound meaningless when you hear it: “Yeah, yeah, another antioxidant (yawn).” But antioxidants are not boring! On the contrary, antioxidants are nature's strongest defense system. They protect your cells from dangerous free radical damage, which can play … Read More

Choose Cholesterol-Friendly Foods

There are several reasons why certain foods are good for your cholesterol and your heart health. Some have direct effects on reducing LDL and/or triglycerides. Others are more filling and, if they’re low in calories, will help with weight loss. Plus, by filling up on these healthier options, you’re not … Read More

Lower Your Cholesterol With These Healthy Foods

There are several reasons why certain foods are good for your cholesterol and your heart health. Some have direct effects on reducing LDL and/or triglycerides. Others are more filling and, if they’re low in calories, will help with weight loss. Plus, by filling up on these healthier options, you’re not … Read More

The Healthiest Nuts to Add to Your Diet

Nuts have become more popular since nutrition experts have been recommending the consumption of healthy fats found in plant foods. Studies have linked nuts with an array of benefits, including lower risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some cancers. All tree nuts are good for you, including almonds, walnuts, pistachios, … Read More

Natural Remedies for Hearing Loss

Age-related hearing loss affects 40% of Americans older than 75, and is becoming more prevalent as the population ages. Yet, researchers still don’t understand exactly why and how it happens, and effective treatments for it are lacking. People who are starting to lose their hearing are told to wait until … Read More

Is Wine Healthy?

It’s a logical question to ask if you’re enjoying a glass after a long day at work: Is wine healthy? Research has shown that drinking wine every day—following some important guidelines, of course—may provide adults with multiple health benefits. First, it’s important to keep in mind that the American Heart … Read More

What Do Antioxidants Do? And Why Are They Important?

You may already be supplementing your diet with antioxidant-rich foods and supplements like berries, green leafy vegetables, and more. But do you actually know what an antioxidant is? What do antioxidants do? To give you a better understanding of how these disease-fighting compounds keep you healthy, let’s start with a … Read More

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