respiratory symptoms

COVID-19: Your Questions Answered

My daughter ordered takeout food several times during the COVID-19 outbreak in her city. She wanted to support local restaurants, but I was concerned she might catch the virus if the food was prepared by somebody who was carrying it. Is this possible? Assuming the restaurants your daughter was ordering … Read More

Smoking and COPD

The primary cause of COPD is smoking, but long-term exposure to air pollution, dust, or certain chemicals also may cause or contribute to it. Genetics and biological differences also may be involved. A diet that is rich in fiber (from whole grains, whole fruits, vegetables, beans, brown rice, and nuts), … Read More

The Healthiest Fruits to Add to Your Diet

While all fruits are healthy choices, here is a selection of what is considered as the healthiest fruits. These sweet selections have the most documented health benefits in scientific studies. Apples One medium fresh apple has only 95 calories, yet it is rich in vitamin C and fiber, including a … Read More

Much Ado About Nitrates

Nitrates: we hear this word a lot, but it’s pretty difficult to get a straight definition of what nitrates really are or even if they’re good or bad. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explains that “nitrate is a compound that is formed naturally when nitrogen combines with … Read More

Oil of Oregano and Echinacea Benefits: Natural Antiviral?

Oil of oregano and echinacea are both popular herbs that have been hyped by the supplement manufacturers and even popular press as the latest effective natural antiviral that will treat your cold, flu, or other virus induced respiratory symptoms. But do they really work? One clue is that in the … Read More

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