
Cellulose Gum

Q: I see “cellulose gum” on a lot of ingredient labels. What is it and is it safe? A: Cellulose gum is a common ingredient in both food products, such as salad dressings, sauces, yogurts, and ice cream, and in pharmaceuticals, such as tablets and liquid medications. It’s an effective … Read More

Vegan Diet Better Than Omnivore Diet for Cardiovascular Health

A study from Stanford Medicine reports that adopting a vegan diet can lead to significant improvements in cardiovascular health within just eight weeks. While it is widely recognized that reducing meat consumption has cardiovascular benefits, this study uniquely controlled for genetic, upbringing, and lifestyle variables by examining identical twins who … Read More

Does Your Cookware Need an Overhaul?

Choosing foods that support optimal health is important, but so is the cookware we us to prepare it. There are many cookware options, and our kitchens are likely stocked with an assortment of materials of varying age and condition, from stainless steel and ceramic, to non-stick and glass. Some materials … Read More

Updates on a New Alopecia Treatment

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), alopecia areata is a disease of the immune system that attacks your hair follicles. Your immune system is your defense against foreign invaders like viruses or bacteria, but sometimes the immune system mistakes normal body tissues as foreign and attacks them. This … Read More

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