knee joint

Knee Injections for Osteoarthritis Pain Relief

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and the knee is the most common joint affected. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, which is an inflammatory disease, osteoarthritis is due to the wear and tear of time. The bones of your knee joint are covered with a tough and smooth protective layer … Read More

Strength and Power Training Benefits Beyond Muscle Growth

Maintaining or improving strength just to get stronger is a worthy goal in itself, but strength has added value. Strong muscles and muscle groups affect almost every system of the body, every physical activity of daily living, and help combat many common health conditions. Here are three additional benefits. Arthritis … Read More

Bones Creaking: Joints Are Noisy… Get Used to It

The older we get, the more likely we are to hear sounds often described as creaking bones or creaking joints. The medical term is crepitus. If it’s just noise, don’t be alarmed. Noise accompanied by pain or swelling, however, is a problem. What Causes Crepitus? Several things can cause noise … Read More

Risk Factors for Knee Pain

The knee is the largest joint in the body and for many Americans, it’s not holding up very well. More than 600,000 knee replacements are performed every year in the U.S., and the demand is increasing. When adults, especially those over the age of 60, complain about joint pain or … Read More

Sore Muscles: Treatment Advice for the Two Main Types

Do you find yourself experiencing sore muscles more frequently than you should? The condition may be nothing to worry about—or it could be something that needs medical attention. Consider that there are two types of muscle soreness: One is called acute muscle soreness and the other is delayed onset muscle … Read More

What Is a Torn PCL?

When it comes to knee injuries, we often hear of tears or sprains of the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), MCL (medial collateral ligament), or LCL (lateral collateral ligament). There's also the sprained or torn PCL—the posterior cruciate ligament. In fact, the biggest and strongest of the four ligaments in the … Read More

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