spinal column

Bone Spurs on the Spine

The medical term for a bone spur is an osteophyte, which means bone growth. Bone spurs can occur at the edges of bones, especially where they come in contact with other bones called joints. They can form on the edges of joints in your hands or feet, you may be … Read More

Pain After Chiropractor Adjustment

According to the National Institutes of Health National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), spinal adjustment or manipulation is usually done by a chiropractor. It is done by hand or by a device to place a sudden thrust on a joint of the spine, causing it to move more … Read More

Strength and Power Training Benefits Beyond Muscle Growth

Maintaining or improving strength just to get stronger is a worthy goal in itself, but strength has added value. Strong muscles and muscle groups affect almost every system of the body, every physical activity of daily living, and help combat many common health conditions. Here are three additional benefits. Arthritis … Read More

3 Signs That Your Core Muscles Need Work

The “abs” get most of the attention in advertisements for strength devices, and a big waist is something almost everyone tries to avoid. But the first sign of  weak core muscles is poor posture—both standing and sitting. Other signs are back pain and muscle weakness. Poor Posture The American Physical … Read More

Kidney Pain: What’s Behind It?

Because kidney pain location is frequently focused in the upper back, it’s easy to mistake kidney pain for upper back pain. But kidney pain isn’t related to muscular issues, or to other causes of back pain, such as the pinched nerve that can trigger spinal stenosis symptoms. Kidney pain also … Read More

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