pins and needles

Bone Spurs on the Spine

The medical term for a bone spur is an osteophyte, which means bone growth. Bone spurs can occur at the edges of bones, especially where they come in contact with other bones called joints. They can form on the edges of joints in your hands or feet, you may be … Read More

How to Sleep With Sciatica

Your sciatic nerve is the main nerve supplying your leg. This large nerve leaves your spinal cord in your lower back and passes between the bones (vertebrae) of your spine. Pinching (compression) of the nerve where it passes between the spinal vertebrae is the usual cause of sciatica. Compression is … Read More

Poor Circulation Is Nothing to Ignore

Do you feel like your hands or feet are on “pins and needles”? That’s one of the most commonly described symptoms of poor circulation. If you think you’re battling poor circulation, it’s wise to get a diagnosis; it could be a symptom of a much more serious disease—including peripheral artery … Read More

Break Free of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common reason for people with wrist, hand, and finger symptoms to visit the doctor. Almost 4% of the population suffers from chronic hand pain, numbness, and tingling caused by this nerve disorder. Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome People with carpal tunnel syndrome experience a … Read More

What Is Multiple Scleroisis?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) disrupts communication between the brain, nerves, muscles and other parts of the body. It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the myelin sheath—the protective covering around some nerve cells which speeds transmission of nerve signals. This results in slowing of nerve impulses and … Read More

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