
High-Estrogen in Men: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Estrogen in men  plays an important role in the regulation of testosterone, several brain functions, bone health, skin health, sexual function/libido, cardiovascular function, and cholesterol regulation. Normally in men, testosterone and estrogen are maintained in the correct balance. When estrogen levels in men increase, testosterone levels tend to decrease, so … Read More

Erectile Dysfunction Causes and Cures

Erectile dysfunction causes can be attributed to many diseases and medical conditions known to cause ED. The first step treatment is ensuring that you are appropriately treating any underlying medical disease causing your ED. For example, if you have diabetes, managing your blood glucose levels is not only critical for … Read More

Surprising High Blood Sugar Symptoms

Why do some women grow mustaches while some men start crying at movies? You may be surprised to know these embarrassing traits are typical high blood sugar symptoms. High blood sugar is caused by a diet high in sweets, soda, and starches (breads, pasta, rice, corn, potatoes, etc.) This diet … Read More

6 Tips to Help Conquer Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Symptoms

In an earlier post, we discussed the physiological effects on the body that can occur with long-term stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms. To get you started on the road to recovery, we have six tips to conquer stress and anxiety. Tip #1: Evaluate your adrenal gland function. In reality, there may actually be a … Read More

Why Is Sugar Bad for You?

Osteoporosis poses a disease threat that is greater than that of both hypertension (high blood pressure) and breast cancer, according to the World Health Organization. Yet this insidious and debilitating bone disease rarely gets the attention it deserves. Nonetheless, deterioration of the bones and increased risk of fractures is a … Read More

What Is the Link Between Low Testosterone and Depression?

In 2012, I wrote about the relationship between low testosterone and depression. Today, I want to update you on the latest research on the use of testosterone replacement therapy as a treatment for depression in men. In February 2014, researchers from the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry at Saint Louis … Read More

Low Libido? 8 Ways to Boost Your Sex Drive

Fatigue, stress, children, routine, and even some diseases—all of these factors can cause low libido and become enemies of your sex drive. If you and your partner have hit a wall, there are ways to get back the energy... and the desire. Act now! The “eternal honeymoon,” after all, is … Read More

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