cruciferous vegetables

High-Estrogen in Men: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Estrogen in men  plays an important role in the regulation of testosterone, several brain functions, bone health, skin health, sexual function/libido, cardiovascular function, and cholesterol regulation. Normally in men, testosterone and estrogen are maintained in the correct balance. When estrogen levels in men increase, testosterone levels tend to decrease, so … Read More

Cruciferous Vegetables May Be Cholesterol-Lowering Foods

When it comes to cholesterol-lowering food, you can’t go wrong with cruciferous vegetables of the Brassica family. Broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, and Brussel’s sprouts contain many valuable nutrients for the human body, and even fight cancer and heart disease.[1] What Makes Cruciferous Vegetables so Powerful? Cruciferous vegetables are high in … Read More

The Healthiest Vegetables to Add to Your Diet

You will gain benefits from eating just about any type of vegetable; here’s more information on what are considered to be the healthiest vegetables. Asparagus Asparagus provides more folic acid per serving than any other vegetable, which is especially important for women who are pregnant because it can decrease the … Read More

Healthiest Vegetables to Eat? Start with These 6 Choices

We need to eat our vegetables, but information about how to prepare them can be conflicting. Cooking certain vegetables—winter squash, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes, for example—can release more nutrients. Others, however, are better for us if they're eaten raw. It's the latter group we'll discuss here: six top veggies to … Read More

What Are the Health Benefits of Wasabi?

Wasabi is a native Japanese plant that has been used for centuries because of its medicinal properties. This is likely what has led people to wonder about the health benefits of wasabi. You probably know it as the green, ground-up root in sushi restaurants. (Once you have experienced that burning … Read More

Alternative Sources of Calcium: 7 Reliable Food Types

Calcium is an important nutrient for healthy bones, heart, muscles, and nerves. It helps blood vessels expand and contract, it helps glands secrete hormones and enzymes, and it’s important for muscle contraction. Your body needs calcium to perform these and other vital functions, so if you don’t get enough in … Read More

4 Rhubarb Health Benefits

My family makes sure every year to have a large rhubarb crop in the garden for making rhubarb pie, rhubarb crisp, rhubarb sauce, and other delicious dishes. But not everyone knows that rhubarb is also one of the oldest and best-known Chinese herbal medicines. Certain species of this plant, like … Read More

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