weight gain

10 Terrific Natural Diuretics

Natural diuretic foods and drinks stimulate your kidneys to produce more urine, unloading excessive fluid and salt. Although they vary greatly in effectiveness, these foods and drinks allow you to take in healthy nutrients rather than prescription medications (“water pills”). You may be retaining too much fluid if there is … Read More

The Dangers of Yo-Yo Dieting

We live in a diet culture, one in which we are constantly exposed to the “next best way to weight loss.” If you’ve toyed with trying one of these trends on for size—Keto, Vegetarian, Atkins, Whole30—or if you’re the type who just dives right in, you likely already know that … Read More

Is Fructose Bad for You?

Sugar is not so sweet in the health and wellness world, now more than ever. Its bad reputation stems from research on added sugars, fructose in particular, in foods and beverages, linking it with chronic illness and disease, such as heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. But even so, … Read More

What Is Leptin?

Leptin is a hormone that was only discovered in 1994. A hormone is a chemical messenger that carries instructions from one part of your body to another. It is produced in fat cells. Fat cells release this hormone when they have gathered enough energy from calories in your diet. Leptin … Read More

High Cortisol Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Although a stress-induced increase in cortisol secretion is beneficial in the short-term, excessive or prolonged cortisol secretion may lead to high cortisol symptoms. Cortisol is a vital hormone produced and secreted by the adrenal glands. The hormone is released in a rhythmic fashion, with levels peaking in the morning (to … Read More

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