
How Long Does It Take to Lower Cholesterol?

Having healthy levels of cholesterol to reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke is a lifetime commitment. It takes effort and it takes time. To lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides with diet and lifestyle changes may take 12 weeks or longer. There is no magic number since everybody has … Read More

Is Fructose Bad for You?

Sugar is not so sweet in the health and wellness world, now more than ever. Its bad reputation stems from research on added sugars, fructose in particular, in foods and beverages, linking it with chronic illness and disease, such as heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. But even so, … Read More

What’s the Healthiest Cooking Oil?

Liquid vegetables oils—for example, olive oil and soybean oil—are celebrated as healthy unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fatty acids, when substituted for saturated fats, support general heart health. But for cooking, baking, or dressing salads, what is the healthiest cooking oil? Many people would probably give the answer that olive oil is … Read More

What Is Leptin?

Leptin is a hormone that was only discovered in 1994. A hormone is a chemical messenger that carries instructions from one part of your body to another. It is produced in fat cells. Fat cells release this hormone when they have gathered enough energy from calories in your diet. Leptin … Read More

Is It Bad To Eat At Night?

Late-night meals and midnight snacks aren’t uncommon. Whether you get home late from work and have to eat dinner when you're usually going to bed, watch a movie late and snack on popcorn, or feel the need to graze on food to stay awake on a late study night, there's … Read More

Turmeric Benefits May Lower LDL Cholesterol

If you want to lower LDL naturally, the answer may lie in your spice rack. Turmeric is the Indian spice that gives curry its golden color. While it may not be the first thing that comes to mind for cholesterol health, research indicates turmeric's benefits include that it is one … Read More

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