risk of heart disease

What is Selenium and Its Benefits?

Selenium may have caught your attention, as it’s one among many supplements that has been studied for its potential to treat a variety of conditions ranging from asthma and dandruff to infertility. While it’s true that our bodies need this essential to function properly, it takes very little to do … Read More

Matcha Powder Benefits: 7 Ways to Use Matcha

Green tea may be one of the healthiest beverages you can drink, except, perhaps, for matcha tea. The healthy compounds found in green tea are even more highly concentrated in matcha, a bright green powder made from green tea leaves. Learn how to use it in everything from your morning … Read More

3 Nutrients That May Help To Lower Triglycerides

If you've discovered that you have high triglycerides, it's important to learn how to lower your levels. How to lower triglycerides? A number of ways are available, but you almost always should begin by using three of the most-researched natural therapies: omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and niacin, each of which … Read More

4 Strategies That May Help Reduce Triglycerides

You're a reasonable person, and you want to take care of your health. You know this means not ignoring your recent lab test, which showed you have high triglycerides. But... you've heard of the frequent debilitating side effects that prescription fibrates and statin drugs cause—muscle pain, weakness, liver damage, memory loss, … Read More

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