low hdl cholesterol

Metabolic Syndrome Raises Your Risk of Heart Disease, Stroke

Your metabolism encompasses all the chemical processes through which cells produce energy and compounds (like hormones) needed to keep your body running. A cluster of metabolic risk factors raises your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. They may occur independently, but once you present with three, your doctor may … Read More

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Silent Epidemic

Nearly one-third of Americans have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)—now the most common chronic disease of the liver.[1] Although rarely discussed in conventional medical offices and even less in the media, NAFLD is epidemic. This stealthy condition can go undetected for years—with deadly consequences. Once advanced, NAFLD cannot be reversed. … Read More

Prediabetes Symptoms: Are They a Reliable Indicator?

During your latest doctor’s appointment, your physician breaks the news that you have prediabetes. It means your blood-sugar levels are elevated, but not high enough to be considered type 2 diabetes. You’re surprised not only by the diagnosis, but also by the fact that you experienced no prediabetes symptoms. After … Read More

What Is a Normal Cholesterol Level?

You already know that keeping your cholesterol in check is important for heart health. High cholesterol is associated with clogged arteries and a greater chance of a heart attack. But you may be wondering: What exactly is a normal cholesterol level, and how do I get there? And you’re probably … Read More

What Causes Hypertension? Diet Plays a Huge Role

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, occurs when the force at which your blood presses against the inside of your arteries is too great. Over time, hypertension can increase your risk for cardiovascular problems such as heart disease, stroke, and heart attack, as well as damaging your kidneys. But … Read More

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