history of heart disease

Is a Low Heart Rate Dangerous?

A low heart rate may be a sign of an efficiently working heart. Or, if the rate becomes too low, it could be a sign of health complications down the road. A normal or healthy resting heart rate for an adult is between 60 and 100 beats a minute. A … Read More

Coronary Artery Disease: Reduce Your Risk

Those who suffer from coronary artery disease (CAD) struggle to get enough blood to their hearts. The reason? CAD occurs when plaque limits or blocks the flow of blood through arteries that lead to the heart muscle. Some people, because of non-modifiable (unchangeable) risk factors, have a high chance of … Read More

10 Tips For Starting a Core Strengthening Program

Before you begin an exercise program, you should be aware of guidelines that will make your workouts productive and safe. The suggestions that follow come from weight training experts, hospitals, universities, and organizations, including the American College of Sports Medicine. 1. Get the approval of your doctor before beginning an … Read More

HDL vs. LDL: Which Cholesterol Number Is More Important?

You’ve probably heard high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol described as the “good” cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) as the “bad” cholesterol. But when it comes to which type of cholesterol is most important to control, who wins the HDL vs. LDL matchup? If only it were that simple. There's considerable debate … Read More

GERD: Heartburn is Just One Symptom of This Condition

What most people commonly know as “heartburn” is a symptom of Gastrointestinal Esophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD. Heartburn—a sharp, burning feeling in the chest—can be an occasional problem that doesn’t require anything more than symptom relief with an over-the-counter (OTC) antacid. But if heartburn becomes a persistent problem, it could … Read More

Butter vs. Margarine: Which Is Healthier?

Toast without butter is like macaroni without cheese—sad and incomplete. Same goes for popcorn, especially at the movie theater. For years, though, we’ve been told to cut butter from our diets. Those delectable, creamy French dishes a la Julia Child are frowned upon by nutrition experts and cardiologists. Now we’re … Read More

Heart Attack Symptoms in Men: 5 Common Signs

Up until around age 55, men are much more likely than women to experience a heart attack. The gap gets smaller with advancing age, but men are still at a higher risk than women of suffering a heart attack. For that reason alone, it’s important that you recognize the common … Read More

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