good cholesterol

How Long Does It Take to Lower Cholesterol?

Having healthy levels of cholesterol to reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke is a lifetime commitment. It takes effort and it takes time. To lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides with diet and lifestyle changes may take 12 weeks or longer. There is no magic number since everybody has … Read More

These 3 Diet Plans May Help Lower Cholesterol Levels

Heart attack, stroke, obesity, and high blood pressure can all be avoided or overcome with the right type of low cholesterol diet. The body naturally creates and regulates its own supply of cholesterol, and any that is taken in from the diet is excess. How do you lower cholesterol levels … Read More

Avocado Benefits: A Delicious and Nutritious Goldmine

Are you still being fooled by avocado’s bad rap as a high-fat food? It’s time to let go of old assumptions and embrace the fact that rich, creamy avocado benefits your health in a dizzying array of ways. Move over apples! Avocado benefits include improving your cholesterol, lowering your risk … Read More

Is Wine Healthy?

It’s a logical question to ask if you’re enjoying a glass after a long day at work: Is wine healthy? Research has shown that drinking wine every day—following some important guidelines, of course—may provide adults with multiple health benefits. First, it’s important to keep in mind that the American Heart … Read More

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