
Look Beyond the Scale

When you embark on food and lifestyle changes with health in mind, what defines “success?” For many people, weight loss is the primary marker of change they focus on when they are trying to eat better and exercise consistently. But weight change is only one possible outcome of improvements to … Read More

Vegan Diet Better Than Omnivore Diet for Cardiovascular Health

A study from Stanford Medicine reports that adopting a vegan diet can lead to significant improvements in cardiovascular health within just eight weeks. While it is widely recognized that reducing meat consumption has cardiovascular benefits, this study uniquely controlled for genetic, upbringing, and lifestyle variables by examining identical twins who … Read More

10 Terrific Natural Diuretics

Natural diuretic foods and drinks stimulate your kidneys to produce more urine, unloading excessive fluid and salt. Although they vary greatly in effectiveness, these foods and drinks allow you to take in healthy nutrients rather than prescription medications (“water pills”). You may be retaining too much fluid if there is … Read More

Should I Take a Beet Supplement?

Beet, or beetroot, supplements are gaining quite a following for a number of apparent health benefits, including increased energy, improved physical performance, and reductions in blood pressure. Because they’re made from beets, the colorful root vegetables rich in nutrients and powerful health-promoting plant compounds, beet supplements may be a desirable … Read More

What Are the Dangers of Erythritol?

Erythritol is a natural sugar substitute made by fermenting corn, called a sugar alcohol. Other sugar alcohols are sorbitol and xylitol. Because they are all natural, the FDA does not consider them to be food additives. Other artificial sweeteners like aspartame and saccharine are made from chemicals in a laboratory. … Read More

How Long Is Stroke Recovery?

According to the Mayo Clinic, stroke recovery can include recovery of movement, speech, swallowing, strength, emotional health, and the basic activities of daily living. Stroke recovery begins in the hospital and continues at a stroke rehab facility or at home with outpatient therapy. The exact type of therapy is different … Read More

How Long Does It Take to Lower Cholesterol?

Having healthy levels of cholesterol to reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke is a lifetime commitment. It takes effort and it takes time. To lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides with diet and lifestyle changes may take 12 weeks or longer. There is no magic number since everybody has … Read More

Is Walking Good Exercise?

According to the American Heart Association, when it comes to health benefits, walking is the simplest, safest, and cheapest way to get the most benefits from exercise. It is safer and easier than jogging, and studies show if your goal is health benefits, walking is as good as running without … Read More

Pain After Chiropractor Adjustment

According to the National Institutes of Health National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), spinal adjustment or manipulation is usually done by a chiropractor. It is done by hand or by a device to place a sudden thrust on a joint of the spine, causing it to move more … Read More

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