
News Briefs February 2024

Cutting a Teaspoon of Salt Per Day Significantly Lowers Blood Pressure An antihypertensive medication is usually the first-line treatment for high blood pressure. However, you may be able to achieve similar blood pressure-lowering results with a simple change in your diet, according to a small study published online recently by … Read More

Resistance to New Experiences

Q: I have noticed my mother, who is in her early 80s, becoming noticeably less interested in trying new things or breaking with her daily routine. Is this normal or is there something else going on? A: As people get older, they can feel they have less control in their … Read More

How to Get Caffeine Out of Your System

According to the National Library of Medicine, caffeine is the number one stimulant used by people around the World. A little caffeine can make you more alert and less tired. Too much caffeine can make you irritable and shaky. Although coffee is the main source of too much caffeine, a … Read More

Weighted Blanket Benefits

If you go to Amazon or search Google for weighted blankets, you will find many options with average prices ranging from twenty-five to one hundred dollars. There is nothing very technical about a weighted blanket. It is just a blanket with more weight evenly distributed into the banket so it … Read More

“The Bent Carrot” Is Peyronie’s Disease

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, even though there is not much public awareness, Peyronie’s disease is quite common and may affect up to one out of eleven men. The reason this disease is getting attention now is a new injectable medication that is the first medication approved by the Food … Read More

When to Worry About PVCs

A PVC is a premature ventricular contraction. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), a PVC feels like your heart is skipping a beat but it’s really not. A PVC is an early heartbeat, meaning there is a longer pause till the next heartbeat. It is a pause, not a … Read More

What is Scalp Psoriasis?

Between seven and eight million Americans suffer with psoriasis. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, about 50 percent of people with psoriasis have scalp psoriasis. Scalp psoriasis can affect your scalp, hairline, forehead, back of your neck, and the skin around your ears, which makes it difficult to hide. Besides … Read More

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