ace inhibitors

What Causes Fainting?

The medical term for fainting is syncope, and it refers to a sudden loss of consciousness that can happen due to hypoxia (oxygen deprivation in the brain). If the levels of blood and oxygen in your brain decrease for any reason, your brain reroutes blood and oxygen from non-vital parts … Read More

Top Pomegranate Health Benefits

Winter produce can be a bit drab in comparison to the fresh blueberries, raspberries, peaches, and nectarines of summertime. But each winter, I eagerly wait for one of my favorite foods of all time to appear on grocery store shelves: pomegranates. I’ve always loved the task of removing the seeds … Read More

Angina Pain Feels Like Pressure on Your Chest

Angina is chest pain that is not in itself an illness, but rather a symptom of a potentially serious condition. The most common form is “angina pectoris,” which is chest pain that occurs when your heart doesn’t get the nutrients it needs to function properly. The American Heart Association (AHA) describes … Read More

Know How Blood Pressure Drugs Differ from Each Other

Are blood pressure drugs inevitable? Chances are that if you don’t take one now, you may need to in the future. And if not you, someone close to you may need an antihypertensive medication. About one out of three American adults has high blood pressure, according to the Centers for Disease … Read More

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