energy diet

Food is the fuel that provides the body with energy, but not every diet is equally energy promoting. Some foods pep you up, while others drag you down.

Ironically, many of the foods we rely on for quick energy actually make us feel more fatigued. Energy bars masquerade as health food, but many of them are loaded with sugar. Sodas, too, provide a quick pick-me-up, but as soon as your body burns through the sugar your blood sugar level will dip, leading to a sharp drop in energy. Although coffee seems to offer an energy boost in the morning, that boost is fleeting. Caffeine tends to make the body crash a couple of hours later.

Complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein form the foundations of an energy diet. Carbohydrates are the body?s biggest energy source, but some types are better than others. The body burns complex carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains more slowly than it does simple carbs from white bread, cookies, and muffins, so complex carbs provide more consistent energy. These foods are also an abundant source of vitamins and minerals, which help the body use energy more efficiently.

When carbs have been used up, the body turns to protein and fat for energy. Lean protein from fish, skinless chicken, beans, and tofu provide a burst of energy without adding extra calories to the diet. The healthiest types of fat are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, found in vegetable oils, nuts, and fish. Iron-rich foods like spinach, beans, and seafood are another important energy diet component. Iron transports oxygen to the tissues. Without enough iron, energy levels quickly drop.

Eating steadily throughout the day helps keep blood sugar levels stable and prevents energy dips. An energy diet includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a few snacks in between meals. Each meal should incorporate elements from all essential food groups: fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains.

Best Energy-Boosting Foods: A Meal-by-Meal Approach

Never mind gimmicky energy drinks and protein concoctions claiming to infuse your body with bursts of energy. Instead, make sure your pantry and refrigerator are filled with the right kinds of foods—foods that give energy naturally. In considering energy-boosting foods, start with smart carbohydrates. Carbs have been given a bad … Read More

High-Energy Diet: 5 Ways to Fuel Your Body

Our bodies, as many say, are like cars; they need the right kind of fuel to run well. That means an energy diet that provides the proper vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to keep your strength steady throughout the day. You may already adhere to a high-energy diet. But if you … Read More

Vitamins That Give You Energy

You’re looking for a boost, and you’re wondering if vitamin supplements are all you need to lift that sagging energy level. Perhaps you’ve taken vitamins sporadically over the years and are thinking about taking them on a daily basis. First, realize that extreme fatigue may be a symptom of a … Read More

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