anxiety symptoms

Anxiety is an emotional and physical response to a stressful situation. For example, right before an important presentation at work, you might notice that your breathing quickens, your heart starts to beat faster, your palms sweat, and you feel sick to your stomach. Some anxiety is normal, but when it?s continuous it can become overwhelming and damaging.

Anxiety symptoms are triggered by the body?s fight or flight mechanisms. In response to a stressful encounter or situation, the body releases chemicals such as cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. These chemicals prepare your various body systems to run away, or to stay and fight the challenge. Your heart rate and breathing speed up, sending oxygen to your brain (for planning) and muscles (for action).

The changes that occur in your body as a result of these chemicals produce anxiety symptoms such as a fast heartbeat, nausea, sweating, trembling, chest pain, hot skin, shortness of breath, tense muscles, and weakness in the legs or butterflies in the stomach. People with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), a condition that causes persistent worry, have more continuous anxiety symptoms. These can include muscle aches, headaches, fatigue, shakiness, muscle tension, sweating, and a need to use the bathroom frequently. In people with panic disorder, anxiety symptoms come on suddenly, feel intense (racing heart, trouble breathing, dizziness, chest pain), and cause extreme worry.

When these anxiety symptoms strike day after day, they can become too much for your body to handle. Excess anxiety and stress can cause wear and tear on your heart and blood vessels, increasing your risk for high blood pressure, heart attack, or stroke. Continuously tense muscles can lead to headaches and back pain. Chronic stress and anxiety also contribute to body-wide inflammation, which increases the risk for conditions like heart disease, asthma, arthritis, and depression.

Lavender May Reduce Signs of Anxiety in Women

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Psychobiotics: Probiotics That May Impact Mood

It’s hard to believe that by altering the bacteria in your gut, you can better handle stress, improve your mood, and even treat your anxiety or depression. But an explosion of research into the fascinating world of the gut-brain connection is showing just that. We now know that you can … Read More

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Relief for Anxiety & Depression

Around the time of menopause, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy significantly lessens not only women’s menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, but also symptoms of anxiety and depression, according to a study at the University of Texas Health Center recently published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding. Menopause can cause symptoms … Read More

Finding the Best Antidepressants for Anxiety

People who struggle with feelings of anxiety frequently turn to medications to help ease their symptoms. However, the large number of medications and their varying characteristics can sometimes make it challenging to find the one most likely to restore normal mood with a minimum of side effects. We asked a … Read More

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