processed foods

What Are Sulfites and Are They Bad for You?

Sulfites are commonly blamed as the culprit behind wine-drinking headaches. While that hasn’t been confirmed, sulfites can be the cause of some other serious problems. These food additives have long been used to preserve freshness and are ingredients in many foods, beverages, cosmetics, and medications. They also occur naturally in … Read More

Is Fructose Bad for You?

Sugar is not so sweet in the health and wellness world, now more than ever. Its bad reputation stems from research on added sugars, fructose in particular, in foods and beverages, linking it with chronic illness and disease, such as heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. But even so, … Read More

Are Potato Chips Bad for You?

Salt and vinegar, barbecue, kettle-cooked, ruffled — to me, all potato chips are delicious. If there's a bag on the counter, I’ll polish it off easily. Are potato chips bad for you? I know the answer, so I’ve tried to replace my chip craving with healthy options like carrot sticks … Read More

How to Reduce Salt

Nine out of 10 Americans still consume more sodium than the currently recommended limits, according to a 2016 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Excess sodium consumption was found to be a particular problem among men, 98 percent of whom consumed too much sodium compared with 80 … Read More

Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan and Recipes

Following the Mediterranean diet meal plan can protect your health in a number of ways: reducing the risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, obesity, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, and more. But getting started on this program can seem overwhelming, especially if you’re used to a … Read More

Cholesterol Levels for Women May Increase After Menopause

As we age, our risk for certain diseases and medical conditions becomes higher. For women, menopause may be an independent risk factor for some of these conditions. Cardiovascular disease, in particular, accelerates in women after menopause. Women who experience menopause before the age of 45 are at an increased risk … Read More

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