blood pressure readings

Overcoming White Coat Syndrome

Factors such as your emotional state, physical activity, pain level, and intake of caffeine or nicotine can drive up your blood pressure in the short term, making it difficult to get an accurate reading in the doctor’s office. This condition is referred to as the “white-coat” effect or “white-coat” syndrome. … Read More

What’s the Right Blood Pressure for You? It Depends

Aside from the occasional aches, pains, and sleeping troubles, my 82-year-old mother is in very good health for her age. But like many other older adults, she takes a medication to help control high blood pressure symptoms. And like plenty of older individuals, she relies on her doctor to let … Read More

The Multiple Forms of Hypertension

When you consider blood pressure, it’s important to keep in mind that not all hypertension is the same. Medical experts recognize several types of high blood pressure, each with different etiologies. Essential Hypertension Accounting for about 90 percent of all high blood pressure, essential, or primary, hypertension has no single … Read More

What Causes a Stroke? Top 10 Risk Factors

Hypertension—high blood pressure readings—is dangerous for your brain, especially in terms of stroke risk. (See "New Hypertension Guidelines: Re-evaluating Blood Pressure Standards.") In fact, of the top risk factors for what causes a stroke, Hypertension is the most powerful, according to results from the very large INTERSTROKE study published in … Read More

Blood Test: What Our Results Tell Us About Our Health

An annual physical and a blood test go hand in hand. Blood tests can help a doctor to diagnose multiple medical problems and diseases, sometimes before a patient notices any of the tell-tale symptoms. Conditions such as cancer, liver disorders, diabetes, thyroid problems, anemia, blood cancer, heart disease, stroke, and … Read More

Top Pomegranate Health Benefits

Winter produce can be a bit drab in comparison to the fresh blueberries, raspberries, peaches, and nectarines of summertime. But each winter, I eagerly wait for one of my favorite foods of all time to appear on grocery store shelves: pomegranates. I’ve always loved the task of removing the seeds … Read More

White Coat Syndrome Is a Physiological Reality

A person with white coat syndrome experiences elevated blood pressure readings when he or she is in a medical setting. The blood pressure returns to normal when the person leaves the medical office. Here’s a clue you might have white coat syndrome and not even realize it: If the nurse … Read More

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