stress symptoms

Two Supplements That May Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

If you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and knew there was compelling research showing the effectiveness of two specific nutrients in bringing relief, you would probably be interested! Such is the case, and here are the details on this chronic fatigue syndrome treatment. CFS is a complex, multifactorial illness … Read More

11 Proven Stress Relief Strategies

Stress happens—whether we like it or not. While some strain is essential to our survival (it promotes the release of hormones needed to fight or run from our stressors), too much can cause a slew of nasty illnesses. Being under chronic stress boosts our risk of physical and psychological conditions, … Read More

How to Deal with Stress

“Stress” is a term used to describe how your body reacts to changing, often unpredictable, conditions. Stress-provoking situations may involve anything from caring for an aging parent to dealing with a chronic illness, or from being stuck in heavy traffic to facing a snarling dog. Chronic, prolonged stress can be … Read More

What Causes Fatigue? The Stress Factor

You’re always tired but you haven’t been able to pinpoint the reason. You think about embarking on a campaign to get to the bottom of your fatigue, but—sad to say—you don’t have the energy to follow through. Don’t feel bad; even the medical community doesn’t fully understand what causes fatigue. … Read More

What Is Stress? Understanding May Help Us Better Handle It

The answer to the question "What is stress?" comes in a clear definition from the National Institute of Mental Health: “Stress is how the brain and body respond to any demand. Every type of demand or stressor—such as exercise, work, school, major life changes, or traumatic events—can be stressful.” Also … Read More

Symptoms of a Nervous Breakdown

Many of us have heard stories of the 1950s housewife who had a nervous breakdown and had to spend time in a medical facility. But "nervous breakdown" is not a medical diagnosis. That’s right: There is no official or medical definition for the phrase "nervous breakdown." So what was that … Read More

30 Stress Symptoms You May Recognize

Look up the symptoms of stress and you’ll find well more than 50 that are typically cited in medical annals. That’s because stress affects every aspect of your bodily functioning, and everyone experiences and expresses stress differently. Here are some of the most common stress symptoms: Frequent headaches Increased compulsive … Read More

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