beta blockers for anxiety

How to Deal with Stress

“Stress” is a term used to describe how your body reacts to changing, often unpredictable, conditions. Stress-provoking situations may involve anything from caring for an aging parent to dealing with a chronic illness, or from being stuck in heavy traffic to facing a snarling dog. Chronic, prolonged stress can be … Read More

What Does Anxiety Feel Like?

It’s important to realize that anxiety isn’t "all in your head." That is, people who suffer from anxiety aren’t simply choosing to avoid certain situations or activities because they have convinced themselves they'll be unpleasant. So... what does anxiety mean and what does anxiety feel like? How does anxiety feel? … Read More

For Men Dealing with Depression: Start by Getting Help

If you’re like many men, you don’t like to ask for help. You have a do-it-yourself attitude that any problem can be fixed. That’s also the mindset that many men have when it comes to dealing with depression. In general, experts say, men simply don’t discuss sadness or other feelings. … Read More

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