cough remedies

6 Health Benefits of Honey

Of all the natural home remedies your parents or grandparents made you try as kid—whether it was aloe vera or oatmeal or ginger—our guess is that honey was your favorite. Not only does it taste good, but it has nourishing and healing properties. But what are the benefits of honey? … Read More

How Long Does a Cough Last?

Have you ever had a bad chest cold and then, for weeks after, spent much of your day coughing and hacking? After a week or so, you may have wondered, "How long does a cough last?"—and whether something was really wrong. In the meantime, the cough disturbs your sleep and … Read More

4 Natural Cough Remedies: How to Cure Your Winter Cough

Whether it's keeping you up at night, interrupting meetings at work, or leaving your throat sore, a persistent cough is never fun. Over-the-counter cough medicines can contain harmful ingredients, like pseudoephedrine, codeine, and antihistamines, which, if taken in excess, can be toxic. Many ingredients in these preparations have similar effects, … Read More

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