stress hormones

6 Tips to Help Conquer Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Symptoms

In an earlier post, we discussed the physiological effects on the body that can occur with long-term stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms. To get you started on the road to recovery, we have six tips to conquer stress and anxiety. Tip #1: Evaluate your adrenal gland function. In reality, there may actually be a … Read More

Excessive Sweating Causes

Have you ever found yourself covered in sweat for no obvious reason? Despite the unpleasant feeling (and smell!) it may give us, sweating is one of our body’s most important functions. It’s natural: We sweat when we’re feeling too warm, when we’re nervous, or after rigorous physical activity. We need … Read More

13 Ways to Control Stress

Learning different ways to control stress is essential to recovery from depression and keeping it away for good. It’s important to make some “stress safeguards” a part of your daily life. These safeguards are specific ways you have found that work for you in dealing with chronic stress day in … Read More

Is Laughing Good for You?

Getting together with friends and family is a wonderful time to catch up, share stories, and hopefully get some good laughs in. But is the good story or joke that gets the whole gang roaring with laughter just adding fun to the dinner table—or is laughing good for you as … Read More

Common Cold and Flu Prevention: 15 Tips to Keep You Healthy

Every year, millions of Americans are hit by cold, flu, and other respiratory infections. While the common cold will rarely cause serious complications, the flu and other infections—such as Legionnaire’s, pneumococcus, and mycoplasma—can lead to severe and potentially life-threatening complications, especially in the young, the elderly, and the chronically sick. … Read More

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