free radicals

What is Selenium and Its Benefits?

Selenium may have caught your attention, as it’s one among many supplements that has been studied for its potential to treat a variety of conditions ranging from asthma and dandruff to infertility. While it’s true that our bodies need this essential to function properly, it takes very little to do … Read More

What to Know About NAC Supplements

NAC, the acronym for N-acetylcysteine, is used as both a prescription medication and an over-the-counter supplement. As a medication, NAC has proven benefits for preventing liver damage caused by an overdose of acetaminophen (Tylenol). It is also used as a medication to break up mucous in the lungs, although the … Read More

The Health Benefits of Oregano Oil

Studies in human cells and in animals show that oils from the oregano plant have definite antibacterial and antioxidant properties. These oils can break down the walls of bacterial cells and may help fight infections. As an antioxidant, oregano oil may scavenge free radicals and prevent damage to healthy cells. … Read More

What’s the Healthiest Cooking Oil?

Liquid vegetables oils—for example, olive oil and soybean oil—are celebrated as healthy unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fatty acids, when substituted for saturated fats, support general heart health. But for cooking, baking, or dressing salads, what is the healthiest cooking oil? Many people would probably give the answer that olive oil is … Read More

Sweet Potatoes vs. Potatoes: Which Is Healthier?

Known as America’s favorite vegetable, potatoes are beloved for their versatility, their compatibility with other foods, and their ability to be transformed into two of America’s favorite junk foods. And although sweet potatoes aren’t as popular, they’re perceived to be a healthier alternative to white potatoes because of their lower … Read More

Eating for Eyesight: Which Foods Protect Your Eyes?

Can what you eat affect your eyesight? And which foods protect your eyes? Research shows that three particular carotenoids, each of them antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, play a role in good vision: lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin. Studies verify that astaxanthin protects the eyes against damage and daily wear-and-tear[1], decreases eye … Read More

Spirulina Algae May Benefit Your Brain and Much More

The Aztecs and Mayans began eating spirulina as early as 1450. Now, almost 600 years later, it is used as an essential food for NASA astronauts. This algae’s enduring popularity is due to its tremendous nutritional value. Nearly 70% of its dry weight consists of complete protein, and the remainder … Read More

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