treating depression

What Is the Link Between Low Testosterone and Depression?

In 2012, I wrote about the relationship between low testosterone and depression. Today, I want to update you on the latest research on the use of testosterone replacement therapy as a treatment for depression in men. In February 2014, researchers from the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry at Saint Louis … Read More

Treating Depression in the Elderly

Depression affects more than 6.5 million people ages 65 and older in the U.S., according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. That number rises dramatically among elderly people who are hospitalized—demonstrating the effect significant illness can have on mental health. Causes | Symptoms | Diagnosis | Treatment   Causes … Read More

8 Tips That May Help Depression Symptoms

If you’ve been feeling down in the dumps for an extended period of time, you may be suffering from depression. You’re not alone, as millions of other Americans experience this common disorder. The bright side is that there are a number of effective lifestyle strategies you can take to fight … Read More

What Is Depression? Symptoms Tell the Story

Depression is a disorder that negatively affects mood, thoughts, and behavior. It is also known as “major depressive disorder” or “clinical depression,” and for a diagnosis to be made, symptoms must have been present for at least two weeks. It is a common but serious mood disorder, but with appropriate … Read More

Do Antidepressants Really Work?

Depression is miserable and debilitating. It can rob you of your motivation, energy, and zest for life. The goal of treating depression is simple—to feel better! With more than 10 percent of the population taking antidepressants, it seems prudent to ask, “Do antidepressants really work?” Antidepressants are the second most … Read More

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Relief for Anxiety & Depression

Around the time of menopause, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy significantly lessens not only women’s menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, but also symptoms of anxiety and depression, according to a study at the University of Texas Health Center recently published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding. Menopause can cause symptoms … Read More

3 Natural Treatments for Depression While Pregnant

You’ll often hear about postpartum depression, but did you know that many women also experience depression while pregnant? In fact, depression during the pregnancy (called antenatal depression) is actually more prevalent than postpartum depression.[1] Unfortunately, antenatal depression doesn’t get the attention it deserves and, as a consequence, many women aren’t … Read More

7 Reasons Why Fermented Foods Are Healthy

Fermentation—a chemical process by which a carbohydrate is converted into an alcohol or an acid—has long been used in cultures all over the world as a food preserving technique. While beer and wine are produced by ethanol fermentation, where sugars are converted to the alcohol ethanol, fermented foods like kimchi, … Read More

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