Comments on: Serotonin Supplements May Treat Depression, Anxiety, and Insomnia University Health News partners with expert sources from some of America’s most respected medical schools, hospitals, and health centers. Thu, 28 Oct 2021 17:47:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rosemarie Sun, 28 Jul 2019 19:38:38 +0000 Does Melatonin help make more Serotonin?

By: charlie Mon, 22 Apr 2019 19:08:51 +0000 All disease starts in the gut. 95% of our serotonin is made in our gut. Following a typical diet including, most importantly, wheat (gluten), animal products (we eat what the animals eat – essentially GMO grains/seeds) GMO soy, and of course anything processed, we make it difficult to maintain a healthy gut. Has anyone had allergies, acid reflux, heartburn (generally an h.pylori infection) bloating, SIBO, dysbiosis, anemia, malnutrition, low stomach acid, intestinal permeability, malabsorption, diarrhea or constipation? All signs of an unhealthy gut that is so busy trying to upkeep itself, it isn’t producing what it needs to produce and isn’t absorbing what it needs to absorb to make serotonin (or gaba or dopamine). People should always look to their gut when there is disease. The best book on this is called “the mood cure” – order it, do the questionnaire and learn what you can do or NOT do to help yourself. All hormones are made of protein and the building blocks of protein are amino acids – if you are not eating enough or not absorbing enough of the proper amino acids your body doesn’t have the capability to make serotonin or any other hormone. Another great book is called “grain brain” by Dr. Perlmutter – a renowned neurosurgeon who figured the connection between certain grains – especially those containing gluten (the wrong type of protein) – and brain health. Our gut and our brain are connected by the largest nerve in our body and some even believe that our gut was and still is our “first” brain. Do some research people! Also find a naturopathic doctor like Cheryl – regular md’s truly know very little about the gut and nutrition and it’s impact on our mental health. Also, all petroleum based man made drugs HAVE side effects. They may be necessary temporarily until you are more rested and have a more settled mind but then seeing a different type of doctor may be in order – ie naturopathic doctor. I have personally waited 8 months each time to see two gastro “specialists” in 4 years and neither one helped determine the cause of my ongoing gut pain nor stomach polyps. As an aside, everyone should pick up a parasite cleanse from the store and do that once a year. Parasites are any little creature (seen with the naked eye or otherwise) that also drains your body of vital nutrients. If nothing else, you will have more energy when it is over. EVERYONE carries parasites. We de-worm our animals once a year – we are an animal….

By: Diane Wed, 03 Apr 2019 02:07:25 +0000 I have taken Seroquel/Quetiapine for 19 3/4 years by my Psychiatrist of that long. Plus 5 mg of Alprazolam. The Quetiapine is a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor I think. and is really bad news IMHO. It was supposed to be temporary. Now that I’m almost off it, it has given me or a great deal of the symptoms and problems it is supposed to treat. I had no Psychotherapist help with my problems so I would recommend that. I will try a Serotonin supplement which I probably should have in the first place but didn’t know about as I take lots of supplements and am almost a vegetarian. Please continue to post comments as it helps all of us.

By: Rose romero Sun, 31 Mar 2019 00:36:47 +0000 I suffer from anxiety and depression ,I am going threw and divorce and my anxiety and depression has worsen due to that and a friend who I met is caring but also going threw alot ,is the any thing that can help beside prescription pills

By: LA Sun, 10 Mar 2019 05:32:14 +0000 I purchase 5HTP at Trader Joe’s.

By: Petronella Fri, 22 Feb 2019 10:52:51 +0000 Can i by 5HTP over the counter

By: Chandra Johnson-Greene Tue, 15 Jan 2019 19:32:25 +0000 In reply to CONNIE STRICKLAND.

Hi Connie, we’re unable to offer personalized advice, so it’s best to contact your doctor directly. Thank you for your comment and good luck!

By: CONNIE STRICKLAND Tue, 15 Jan 2019 15:48:47 +0000 Can you take 5htp with Xanax? I need to get off this. Crying all the time and I don’t understand why. I just retired and I don’t know what’s happening. I’m 64.

By: Rachel Thu, 06 Dec 2018 16:30:24 +0000 My son has ocd which has caused anxiety and depression but does not want to take prescription meds. Do any of these supplements mentioned like 5-HTP help or can anyone give me any ideas??

By: Peter Chapman Tue, 30 Oct 2018 06:06:21 +0000 Anxiety and Depression is one of the hardest battles a person could have on their life. It is also very hard to treat it, hence a lot of us are spending money just to buy medications and see an expert to avoid and be treated.

I believe a good supplement can take care of it, there is a lot of supplement which will help you treat your anxiety. You have to help yourself too.

As my personal experience, I am taking advantage of a supplement which has many benefits not just treating your mind but also your body. My own psychiatrist advised me to take 5-HTP instead, cause it also fights the stress and will improve my sleep which I really like.
