natural antidepressant

Natural Antidepressants to Try (and to Avoid)

Supplements making memory and cognitive claims may be marketed as beneficial for mood, depression, sleep quality, and “energy.” Other products focus primarily on these mental factors that affect mood and behavior, which in turn can indirectly affect cognition. The evidence for the effectiveness of these natural antidepressants is mixed, though … Read More

2 Natural Antidepressants Found to Be as Effective as Prozac

Want to relieve your depression symptoms using safe, natural antidepressants? Want an herbal alternative that can improve your depression symptoms without antidepressant side effects? How about avoiding the weight gain and sexual dysfunction sometimes associated with antidepressant medications? Two herbal extracts known for their brilliant, yellow-orange hues—curcumin and saffron—both have … Read More

What Kind of Depression Do I Have?

Because there are multiple types of depression, anyone feeling as if he or she is battling the condition might understandably wonder, “What kind of depression do I have?” The most severe form is major depressive disorder, or MDD. People with MDD feel down most or all of the time and … Read More

Seasonal Depression: Shedding Light on SAD

Seasonal depression usually begins as soon as the weather cools and the days shorten, around September or October, and lasts until it warms up again, often in April. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is most often seen in women, although men also battle it. It has no age limits. Many of … Read More

The Perfect Natural Antidepressant: Exercise

Wondering how to boost your mood with a natural antidepressant? The best starting point is regular exercise. Physical activity releases endorphins, which are brain chemicals that help you feel good while also promoting nerve cell growth, as noted in the University Health News report Overcoming Depression. Research has found that … Read More

Is Depression Genetic?

For some families, a tendency to have a negative view of life is simply the norm, and children pick it up from observing their parents. Difficult life challenges, such as poverty, abuse, or poor health, can run in families and predispose members to depression. But it’s also clear—as we look … Read More

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