depression symptoms

Almost everyone feels sad or down from time to time, particularly during difficult times in life, such as a divorce or the loss of a loved one. Yet persistent sadness that doesn?t let up can be a sign of depression. Each person experiences depression differently. Depression symptoms can vary in severity, from mild to intense enough to affect your daily life.

The most obvious depression symptoms are feelings of sadness or emptiness, worthlessness, and guilt. Depression can affect your sleep, making you toss and turn at night, or struggle to drag yourself out of bed in the morning. You may also drag through your days, feeling drained and lacking in energy.

When you?re depressed, it?s normal to lose interest in activities you once loved, like going out to dinner or to movies with friends. You may also lose interest in sex. Some people become angry or irritable, which can drive away well-meaning friends and family members. Appetite changes are also possible with depression. Maybe you have no interest in eating. Or, you might overeat, binging on comfort foods like chocolate or pizza.

Depression also affects your mind and memory. You might start to lose focus at work, drifting off during meetings and forgetting important dates and events. Some people feel foggier or mentally slower than normal.

Physical depression symptoms are less obvious, but also common. You could develop stomachaches or headaches, or aches and pains that aren?t caused by another health condition.

When these depression symptoms don?t go away and start to interfere with your life, it?s time to get evaluated by a psychologist or psychiatrist. Left untreated, depression symptoms can get worse over time. The most serious depression symptoms are thoughts or intentions of committing suicide. If you are considering taking your own life, call a doctor or your local suicide hotline right away.

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