dementia symptoms

Dementia is the term doctors use to describe difficulty remembering and thinking that?s serious enough to affect your life. Everyday memory slips, like forgetting an address or the name of a person you haven?t seen in a while shouldn?t be concerning, but getting disoriented in a familiar location or forgetting the name of your spouse can be dementia symptoms.

Several forms of dementia can affect memory, including the most common kind?Alzheimer?s disease. Several early dementia symptoms serve as warning signs. For example, forgetting information you just learned, or having trouble recalling important dates like your child?s birthday can be dementia symptoms. You may have more trouble than usual following directions, including the steps needed to prepare a recipe or sew a quilt.

You?ll increasingly have more trouble doing activities you once took for granted, such as balancing your checkbook or hosting a dinner party. Budgeting and planning skills begin to erode as the condition worsens and dementia symptoms progress. Many people discover they can no longer participate in a conversation, both because they can?t find the right words, and because they can?t follow a train of thought.

Later dementia symptoms include changes in mood and personality. People who were once very calm and even-tempered may become more agitated or angry than usual. They may blow up at friends or family, seemingly for no reason. As their personality changes and social interactions become more difficult, people with dementia may withdraw from work or social situations to avoid embarrassment.

If you notice these or other dementia symptoms in yourself or a loved one, make an appointment with a health care provider. Although there currently is no cure for dementia, treatments can relieve some of the symptoms and help you or your loved one stay independent for as long as possible.

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What Causes Dementia?

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Signs That Suggest Early-Onset Dementia

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Signs of Dementia in Men

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Estrogen’s Role in Dementia Symptoms and Alzheimer’s

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