About the Author

Kate Brophy

Kate Brophy is an experienced health writer and editor with a long career in the UK and United States. Kate has been Executive Editor of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai’s Focus on Healthy Aging newsletter for more than a decade. Kate also has been a regular contributor to Weill Cornell Medicine’s Women’s Nutrition Connection and Women’s Health Advisor, Duke Medicine’s Health News, UCLA Health’s Healthy Years, and Cleveland Clinic’s Heart Advisor, and has edited a range of health special reports. 

Articles by Kate Brophy

Do You Have Chronic Dehydration?

Water is one of the health essentials you probably don’t think about much, but chronic dehydration can have significant impact on your well-being. Furthermore, we wouldn’t survive long without it. Water makes up about three-quarters of our body weight; we obtain it via the fluids we drink (obviously!), and from … Read More

Exertion Headache? Consider the Causes and Try These Treatments

If you tend to develop a headache while exercising or start feeling a headache after you exercise, it’s likely that you’re suffering from the exertion headache phenomenon. You’re more likely to experience an exertion headache if you also suffer from migraine symptoms, which can also stem from vigorous exercise. Exertion … Read More

What’s Causing Your Upper Back Pain?

As a rule, upper back pain is unusual, since the upper back is structurally stronger than the lower back and also isn’t as mobile, due to being connected to the rib cage. This lack of motion affords it some protection against the bending-twisting types of injury you might sustain in … Read More

What Is Dopamine? Understanding the “Feel-Good Hormone”

You’ve heard of it, but you still may be wondering, “What is dopamine?” Its reputation centers around its reputation as the “feel-good hormone.” Dopamine is associated with feelings of euphoria, bliss, motivation, and concentration, yet there’s more to it than that. Like serotonin, dopamine is a type of brain chemical … Read More
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