low serotonin levels

Serotonin and its Link to Depression

There are many researchers who believe that an imbalance in serotonin levels may influence mood in a way that can lead to depression… but also possibly to other neurological problems, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, panic, and even excess anger. This is what scientists theorize because there is no way … Read More

What Does Serotonin Do?

It's an important question in trying to understand the chemicals that help define us: "What does serotonin do?" Serotonin is a neurotransmitter—a brain chemical that helps to activate communication between brain cells. Neurotransmitters work by binding to receptors (molecules of protein that receive external signals) on the surface of cells. … Read More

5 Top Serotonin Supplements and Strategies: New Free Report

Many people can lessen or even eliminate depression symptoms without taking prescription drugs. From serotonin supplements to lifestyle changes, natural serotonin boosters may be just what you need to feel better fast. Many researchers believe that depression is primarily caused by an imbalance in serotonin levels. That’s why the most … Read More

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