tension headaches

Melatonin May Offer Benefits for IBS Sufferers

People with irritable bowel syndrome can suffer for years without finding a way to relieve their symptoms, but a new review article reveals a promising treatment option: melatonin benefits for IBS. Produced by the pineal gland in the brain and by cells in the mucous lining of the digestive tract, … Read More

Migraine Triggers: 6 Food Additives to Avoid

Stress, bright lights, sleep pattern changes, the weather—unfortunately, there are countless migraine triggers that can take you out of commission, and some of them aren’t always under our control. What you can control, however, is what you put into your body. Oftentimes, what you eat and drink on a daily basis … Read More

Weather Headache: Is There Such a Thing?

If you think you're imagining things when a certain type of weather seems to trigger a headache, think again. In fact, many people report that they suffer from a weather headache if a storm is approaching. They also report that storms aren't the only meteorological phenomenon that can result in … Read More

Botox for Migraines: Does It Work?

There’s not much worse than suffering from a chronic migraine. The pounding head, nausea, and pain is debilitating. My last migraine persisted for a month. It was so bad I dreamed of ticking off King Henry the VIII so he could have my head chopped off and relieve me of … Read More

Headache Cures: 9 Strategies to Ease the Pain

Headaches can hit without notice, and multiple types may require different treatments. But there are simple headache cures you can try—strategies to relax tense muscles and stress, both of which can trigger headaches. More complex headache cures include injections you may more commonly associate with cosmetic procedures. There are a … Read More

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