
Can’t Sleep? Here’s What May Help Beat Your Insomnia

Insomnia is now at epidemic levels. Up to half of Americans are wondering how to beat insomnia and suffer from at least one of the four cardinal insomnia symptoms: Difficulty falling asleep Inability to stay asleep Waking up in the early morning Experiencing nonrestorative sleep Almost a quarter of the … Read More

Finding the Best Antidepressants for Anxiety

People who struggle with feelings of anxiety frequently turn to medications to help ease their symptoms. However, the large number of medications and their varying characteristics can sometimes make it challenging to find the one most likely to restore normal mood with a minimum of side effects. We asked a … Read More

Eye Twitching: Harmless Annoyance… or a Cause for Concern?

Occasional eye twitching is a benign but annoying condition. It often lasts only a few minutes to an hour, usually involves only one eyelid, and is related to fatigue, stress, or both. A relaxing maneuver—even a stress-releasing giggle at its arrival—can sometimes end the involuntary eye twitching. But eye twitching … Read More

Chill Out with This Natural Remedy for Anxiety

Xanax and other anti-anxiety medications are among the most-prescribed drugs in the country, but a vitamin has gained attention as a natural remedy for anxiety. Niacinamide, a form of vitamin B3, has been used since the 1950’s as a popular anti-diabetes nutrient. It has even been touted to fight acne … Read More

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