lemon balm

Passion Flower Benefits: May Help Anxiety and Insomnia

Passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) is a climbing shrub native to the tropical parts of the United States which produces a beautiful, delicate flower that develops into a large, fleshy fruit. Traditional herbalists enjoy a number of passion flower benefits, using it, for example, as a sleep aid, especially when patients … Read More

Best Mosquito Bite Remedy? 5 Options for Quick Relief

They’re masters of sneak attacks: tiny, almost weightless mosquitoes that—as all of us know from experience—can land, jab, and start sucking blood before we know what hit us. More often than not, they’re just quick enough to avoid our fastest slaps. And what do they leave behind? Saliva—enough of it … Read More

Finding the Best Antidepressants for Anxiety

People who struggle with feelings of anxiety frequently turn to medications to help ease their symptoms. However, the large number of medications and their varying characteristics can sometimes make it challenging to find the one most likely to restore normal mood with a minimum of side effects. We asked a … Read More

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