kava kava

Kava Kava for Anxiety: Effectiveness and Safety

If you suffer from excessive worrying, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, tension, or sleep disturbances, kava is a natural remedy for anxiety that can help ease these symptoms without the side effects, addiction risks, and hungover feeling common with conventional anti-anxiety medications. In February, 2013, I reported that researchers at Rutgers and … Read More

Natural Solutions for Holiday Stress

Most of us know from personal experience that the holidays can be as much a stressful time as one of comfort and joy. The majority of Americans stress over at least some aspects of the season. The gifts, parties, travel, and family—or perhaps the absence of these things—can make the … Read More

Why Signs of Anxiety in Women Differ from Men’s Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety disorders affect over 40 million Americans each year, and just like pairs of shoes and beauty items, women have significantly more anxiety episodes than men.[1] While each person is unique, in general, women tend to externalize feelings of anxiety while men internalize their feelings. However, there are a few commonalities … Read More

Natural Anxiety Remedies: This One Has the Most Research

Suffering with anxiety is stressful enough without having to deal with all the harmful side effects associated with prescription drugs. Yet, many people just don’t know where to find natural anxiety remedies, especially one that really works. One herbal anxiety remedy has been extensively studied and has shown consistent, effective … Read More

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