anxiety medications

Social Phobia: How to Overcome a Fear of Social Situations

Some 15 million Americans have social phobia, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Also referred to as social anxiety disorder, social phobia symptoms range from just-about-manageable anxiety and stress in social situations (which means you may feel like you're being judged by other people) to physical illness … Read More

Seizures: Causes, Triggers, and Treatments

A seizure is one of those scary things that most of us don't really know much about. But if you or a loved one have seizures or are epileptic, you can work with your doctor to determine the underlying cause and choose the best treatment. What Is a Seizure? In … Read More

Kava Kava for Anxiety: Effectiveness and Safety

If you suffer from excessive worrying, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, tension, or sleep disturbances, kava is a natural remedy for anxiety that can help ease these symptoms without the side effects, addiction risks, and hungover feeling common with conventional anti-anxiety medications. In February, 2013, I reported that researchers at Rutgers and … Read More

Chill Out with This Natural Remedy for Anxiety

Xanax and other anti-anxiety medications are among the most-prescribed drugs in the country, but a vitamin has gained attention as a natural remedy for anxiety. Niacinamide, a form of vitamin B3, has been used since the 1950’s as a popular anti-diabetes nutrient. It has even been touted to fight acne … Read More

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