anxiety and stress

13 Ways to Control Stress

Learning different ways to control stress is essential to recovery from depression and keeping it away for good. It’s important to make some “stress safeguards” a part of your daily life. These safeguards are specific ways you have found that work for you in dealing with chronic stress day in … Read More

What Causes Nightmares? 7 Common Triggers

You may remember, as a kid, occasionally waking up in a cold sweat, startled out of your slumber by one of those frighteningly vivid nightmares. Perhaps the experience still pops up from time to time; bad dreams may be more common in children, but adults aren't immune to them. Around … Read More

Social Phobia: How to Overcome a Fear of Social Situations

Some 15 million Americans have social phobia, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Also referred to as social anxiety disorder, social phobia symptoms range from just-about-manageable anxiety and stress in social situations (which means you may feel like you're being judged by other people) to physical illness … Read More

Is There a Normal PSA Level?

There is no universally accepted "normal" PSA level. In the past, a PSA of 4 nanograms per milliliter of blood (ng/ml) or less was considered normal; however, more recent studies have shown that some men with PSAs below 4 have prostate cancer and some men with PSAs over 4 do … Read More

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